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 National Beta Club

service hours form  



Sponsors Mrs. Izaguirre and Mrs. Small



Beta Club is a service organization that promotes character and citizenship. 

It is reserved for our highest-performing students who show academic integrity. 

We do plan service projects each semester as well as help out when our services are requested.  






OFFICERS 2023-2024

President:  Cherish Lewis


*  Members must maintain a 3.5 g.p.a. as well as participate in our service projects throughout the year.

*  Local dues are $10.

*  Sophomores will be inducted at the beginning of the school year and will pay one-time national dues of $15 and local club dues of $10.

*  Members must complete 10 documented service hours per year.  Five hours must be done with the club at club-sanctioned activities (i.e. Pancakes in the Park, Good Friday fish fry, Christmas project, AARP, or any other activity that I specifically ask for help with) and five hours must be obtained for outside service activities.  All 10 hours may come from club events; however, all 10 hours may not come from outside activities.  

 *  Please check the member status list, which is posted on Mrs. Izaguirre's door.

* Please check teams for notifications about service hour opportunities.





Please turn in all service hours to Mrs. Izaguirre.





Seniors:    Your service hours are due Friday May 6!!!  After final exams, we will check final GPAs as well as service hours, and stoles will be handed out on graduation night.